Grace Cohn, Online Editor and Director of Public Relations
After the relentless begging, bribing, and harassment of Graham Katz, senior Grace Cohn has finally begun her reign of terror as the online editor and head of public relations. While it will be tough to fill the shoes of such Bi-Line legends as Will Spillman and Casey Monyak, whose attendance records go unparalleled in Bi-Line history, she feels she is up to the challenge. When she’s not forcing helpless freshmen to follow Bi-Line social media or trying to keep Charlie Benedict from creating the most politically-incorrect news section this school has ever seen, she’s probably crawling her way through Kosh with Tribble or the Sisterhood, watching Arrested Development, exploring local donut shops in Midtown, or trying to find a way to not fail her 4 APs and desperately scrape her way into college. Follow @westminsterbiline for more updates (we follow back)!